Dress Off 08: Hotpants in Helsinki

Hey everyone, I’m very relieved to say that finally “Dress Off 08: Hotpants in Helsinki” has been published on LitErotica! This chapter follows Bree, Monica, Olivia and Brittney as our intrepid heroines embark as a desperate quest to retrieve the fabled Helsinki Archives before the fall into the wrong hands!

Now that I have stepped back from my old full-time role, I’m also very happy to announce the stories will be flowing much faster, with “Dress Off 09: Bust Out in Brisbane” heading to LitErotica next week.

Thanks again to everyone for their feedback and patience!


I'm a soft-core erotica writer who lives somewhere deep in the South Pacific. I love the creative burst of putting word to page, and I always enjoy chatting with authors and readers alike.